Shreveport, January 19-20, 2020

Arrivo in Shreveport

Arrivo in Shreveport

Arrival at OLS Convent in Shreveport, Louisiana of Sr Susana and Sr Karla Cilene.

Arrivo al convento delle MPdA in Shreveport, Louisiana, di Sr Susana e Sr Karla Cilene

Shreveport, January 20-28, 2020

Consigli a Shreveport USA

Consigli a Shreveport USA

Days of work in the library at the OLS Convent in Shreveport.

Giornate di consigli nella biblioteca del convento in Shreveport

January 21 – February 2, 2020

After several days of council meeting, M. Carla and the Councilors went to visit the communities in Louisiana and the various ministries in which the OLS sisters are involved.

Dopo diverse giornate di consigli, M. Carla e le Consigliere sono andate a conoscere e vedere le varie comunità della Louisiana e le opere svolte dalle Maestre PIe.

M. Carla and the Council, went also to the Forest Park Cemetary, were 14 OLS sisters are buried
M. Carla e Consiglio sono andate anche a vedere il cimitero “Forest Park” dove sono sepolte 14 Maestre Pie


Shreveport, January 28, 2020

While in Shreveport, M. Carla and the Council had the great opportunity to participate to the ordination and installation of the new bishop for the Shreveport diocese the most Rev. Francis J. Malone. The ceremony was held at the Civic Center since the number of participants could not be hosted in the Cathedral. For some of the sisters was the first experience and it was a very good one!

M. Carla e Consiglio hanno potuto partecipare all’installazione e ordinazione del nuovo vescovo di Shreveport, Mons. Francis J. Malone.