The Superior General, assisted by her Council, governs the Institute, promotes its religious and apostolic life, works in collaboration with the Superiors, with whom she studies the situation of the sisters and communities and seeks the solution to the various problems.
(MPA Constitution no. 234)
Mother Serena Pinotti Sr Maria Susana Díaz González
VicarSr Karla Cilene de Sousa Bezerra
General CouncillorSr Fatima Aphiri
General CouncillorSr Sabrina Pradarelli
General CouncillorSr Carla Bertani
General Treasurer
The Congregation is led by a General Council which remains in office for six years .
The current Superior General is Mother Serena Pinotti
The Superior General is assisted, “in the exercise of the government of the Institute, by four General Councillors, who make up, with her, the General Council… (Cost.MPdA n. 242)
The Treasurer General collaborates with the General Council.
The Superior General, together with her Council, establishes Committees and appoints their members and defines their respective competencies.
The Committees are organs of consultation and study.
One of their tasks, after being approved by the Superior General, is to propose to the MPdA communities initiatives, information, formation and study materials pertaining to each commission.